我们保证 本公司所提供的优质服务将满足 对于本公司信任的客户,企业家和 股东们的期望。

A Virtual Tour of  Yé Dagun Taung City


我们正在曼德勒新建 Ye ‘ Dagun Taung City,这是一种全新的现代生活方式。由于城市项目正在逐步进行中,我们正在为我们的销售团队寻找房地产销售主管和会说中文的销售主管。我们正在寻找专业的房地产经纪人作为买卖双方之间的中介。


Job Vacancies
Job Vacancies

Phwint Phyo Thit Company offers you an excellent career and opportunity to make a difference with others. We develop a future-oriented performance rewards effort, commitment and drive.

Job Vacancies
Job Vacancies

Phwint Phyo Thit Company offers you an excellent career and opportunity to make a difference with others. We develop a future-oriented performance rewards effort, commitment and drive.
