Request for advice
PHWINT PHYO THIT COMPANY LIMITED (YE DAGUN TAUNG CITY PROJECT) will cooperate with Resource and Environment Myanmar Co., Ltd. (REM) Myanmar for Environmental Impact Assessment, EIA report (scoping state) is to provide information about the general environmental setting of the project area, identify impact of the project activities on the bio-physical, socio-economic, and cultural environment of the project, and prepare an environmental management plan for the project area. The meeting was undertaken for the purpose of conducting EIA on October 1, 2021. Therefore, if you have any concerns or advices please contact our Phwint Phyo Thit website’s ( chat box or mailing to
Phwint Phyo Thit (Office 1)
Sin Phyu Kan Golf Range, Corner of Theikpan & 78th Streets, Chanmyathazi Township, Mandalay, Myanmar.
Phwint Phyo Thit (Office 2)
Yé Dagun Taung Golf Club, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay, Myanmar.
+959 778 778 877